About Us

Preserving traditional methods, our own village with our own seedlings, our farmers, using the most advanced technologies in our land of Turkey's four corners healthy delicious and natural products i want to reach! The need to develop agricultural techniques that will minimize the effects of other diseases and pests without polluting the air, water and soil in the world is increasing day by day.

We, Aysun and Levent, are a couple that moved to the field of agriculture about which we were always passionate, after 25 years of corporate experience. After our research within the field, we saw that the damage that the chemicals used in the agriculture cause in the ecological system increases day by day, and we wanted to make a step on the way of conveying the healthy and better food to the upcoming generations.

What about the products to produce, the things to pay attention during production, the methods to use and the location of the place that will be cultivated? When we were trying to find an answer to what to produce, first we took the main nutrition sources into consideration and decided to produce egg, which is the only food after breast milk that contains the most necessary nutritions people need.

In production, we decided to protect and be loyal to the traditional methods, which we learned from our families that were engaging with agriculture for years. We should produce the eggs in the proper environment, using a quality chicken feed. With this purpose, we picked Duzce for the place of our farm, which is eligible in terms of climate and has approximately the same distance to two metropolitan cities, Istanbul and Ankara. After moving to Duzce in 2012, we founded our farms and crew here.

As Alg Farm family, we work to convey the most healthy and natural products to you and to the upcoming generations since 2012, with our growing product range.